User Stories
User story: A guest wants water
There's someone visiting the space on an open hack night and wants water.
We should have the facilities to let them be able to drink water
- disposable/accessible cups
- functioning water
User story: A member wants to do microelectronics work
A member of the hackerspace has a microelectronics project they want to work on.
We should have a functioning workbench / workstation to enable them to do that.
the corner of room B has room for a 65x24 inch table.
there should be 2 x 1 feet of empty space for microelectronics.
At arm's reach:
- Digital logic analyzer
- Signal processor
- power supply?
- electrostatic mat
- multimeter
- oscilliscope
- chair
- soldering iron / grabby hands / magnifying glass
- appropriate amounts of lighting
- Amount of flat splace / clearable space to do work at
- A chair to sit
User story: A user wants to use the VR headset
A member wants to play a game on the VR headset.
We should have it set up and have an appropriate amount of space for a VR headset to be able to use it and a PC plugged into it set up with steamos and able to be logged in to by users.
User story: We want to install wall mounted fixture
We're trying to install a wall mounted fixture and need the appropriate equipment in a place easily locateable
User story: We want to host movie nights
We want to host movie night with 10+ people in attendance.
We should have enough sitting infrastructure to fit 10 people in a room comfortably with a screen for viewing and a reliable way to play media. We should have a media server with enough content to entertain people.
User story: We want to host a minecraft server
A member wants a minecraft server hosted at the space and accessible for other people to use including on the public internet relatively lag-free
bonus points if it shuts down / goes into hibernation when not used.
User story: We want to host a 15 person lan party
We want to host a 15 person lan party and have enough sitting space to have people set up PCs/laptops and a few spare computers for those who don't have functioning systems.
User story: I'm hungry at the hackerspace and I don't want to leave
We should have some soylent or boost in addition to snacks accessible to members sticking around for the long haul
User story: It'd be cool to have a space to prototype PCBs and microelectronic stuff
- reflow oven to add ICs to online-bought PCBs
- have breadboards, jumper cables, resistors.
User story: I want to be able to print my own PCBs
- UV light
- acid bath