3D Printing Commandments
The rules for 3D printing in the space.
1. Thou shalt not print detritus
Detritus is classed as any object left in the space that:
- Has no use or is a tool without a purpose.
- Is a toy, sculpture, or anything for aesthetic purposes that does NOT go on a wall. Art that is affixed to the wall is fine.
- Anything that detracts from flat space that is not intended to increase flat space.
Any detritus printed must be taken home with you when you leave. Any detritus found should be thrown away.
2. Thou shalt not leave high-risk prints grossly unattended
A "high risk print" will often be very large and/or have many overhangs.
Prints are allowed to be remotely monitored.
Prints over 24 hours are discouraged.
3. Thou shalt not poison the air
Follow the printer's temperature maximum and advisories at all times. View the specific printer's wiki page for these maximums and advisories. Failure to adhere to the temperature advisories can result in toxic PTFE (Teflon) fumes in the air, as well as rapid degradation of the printer's hot end. Generally, you should never take a printer above 260c. Generally, the maximum recommended temp is 250c for short periods of time.
The Annex K3 should not exceed 300c.
ABS, ASA, and any other filament that produces toxic fumes should only be done in the Annex K3.
4. Thou shall maintain the machines
Remove your prints and ensure that there is no stray filament left on the buildplate or anywhere else after you are done. Generally, you should not need to use glue, but if you do, use the more beat-up side of the buildplate. Re-level the printer if you are having adhesion issues.
Please don't leave a printer clogged or otherwise in a state where it cannot print. If you need help unclogging a printer, please ask someone.
Do not use abrasives on a brass nozzle. Some common abrasives are:
- Anything with carbon fiber, wood, metal or stone. Glass fiber is especially abrasive.
- Glow in the dark filament
- Marble PLA
Changing nozzles should be done at heat and with care.
If the printer uses an SD card, keep the card in the printer when you are done with it.
5. Thou shall be respectful of materials
Filament is cheap but it ain't free. Please chip in when/if you can. My recommended brand for filament is eSun. PLA plus or pro or whatever is preferred over regular PLA. White filament of every brand prints weird because of the chemical used to make it white, so it is not preferred. The only known exception is white ASA from Polymaker.
Other obvious shit
Printing anything less than legal will get you permanently banned from the space. Don't cancel or fuck with other's prints. Don't overly fuck with the configs of the printer. Confirm in the firmware of the printer that the printer is cooled before touching the hot bits. Keep all small appendages away from the printer while the servos are engaged. The hot end fans are on intake, don't get your hair caught in them. Avoid jostling the printer or the surface it is on while it is going.